2016-06-14 – June Meeting Minutes (Draft)

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

…from Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon  

7:00 PM, Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Altadena Community Center, 730 E Altadena Drive

Agenda (Draft

1. Introductions for new attendees.  Lori Paul, Steve Messer, Mitch Marich, Marietta Kruells, Kevin Singleton, Ward Cochran (Former resident visiting Kevin).

2. Desired adjournment time for this meeting? 8:00

3. Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items.  Steve Messer

4. Review Minutes and Action Items from April meeting (thank you Steve Messer!). Approved unanimously with a few grammatical corrections.

5. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda. No official representatives were available for updates.

6. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention (first-hand reports strongly preferred; photos much appreciated)?  East end of ACT is still in need of the previously noted maintenance, but no new problems reported.

Asphalt has been removed from Loma Alta Park, other improvements were made, but the trees have been neglected and many have died. They continue to die each year. There are some Coulter pines and California Black Walnuts across the street from Loma Alta park. No reason that the SPS needs those areas. Four or more Coulters have died. They need deep watering and a well out to the drip line. Took video of the sprinklers “watering.” They don’t fill the tree wells, they hit the bark, not the dirt, and this summer these trees may not survive the summer. It will make the staging area less pleasant. The horse waterers are broken, slimy and contain mosquito larvae. The water fountain is disgusting, and not up to health standards. The bathrooms have never been opened, even though there is a stall for men and a stall for women. These date back 16 years. Native White Alders were planted to provide shade to the hitching posts. They are dying and not providing shade. Some of the trees have been long gone, the only evidence is the empty tree wells and irrigation. The shade trees need to be replace. There needs to be some kind of rustic seating for the area. There were Adirondack chairs placed in the area, but these have been stolen.  Seating need not be expensive or elaborate; rock or log rounds for seating would suffice.  A safer trail connection could be placed through the park by moving the high fence along Loma Alta up, moving the low fence down and putting in a split rail fence.  

The Crib trail which ran along the south edge of the SPS has been lost, and is an important connection for equestrians to avoid dropping down Sunset ridge road and across Loma Alta on the pavement. The trail does not appear in the County Trails web site.

Motion was made to write a letter to DPW, Parks and Rec, Health Department  made by Marietta. Seconded by Mitch. Unanimous. The letter should include details of the problems with plumbing, landscaping, bathrooms and amenities, and the Crib Trail.

7. Current Tasks

a) Fire Season Preparation:  Lori has been working with Sergeant Manning. County doesn’t have any closure signs for Chaney Trail for July 4th. Lori will follow up to pursue a closure sign.

b) Re-grading to new County standards for erosion control on vulnerable ACT segments.  Nothing to report.

c) Update re: New fence erected along ~200-foot segment of ACT above Windfall Ave (E. of Rubio Gap and Stonehill). Fence blocks obstructs drainage culverts and the view to south from the trail.  No report available.

d) DPW Devil’s Gate Reservoir (Hahamongna Watershed Park) / ACT Trailhead / Recreation impacts?  Nothing new to report.

e) La Vina litigation resolved: Update & resumption of trail planning. No new updates on La Vina.

f) Rubio Cyn Gateway trail planning status. No new updates.

g) Update on locked Pinecrest Gate. Mitch Marich reports that things are relatively normal, with people getting locked in and calling the Sheriff to let them out.  Kevin Singleton reported that the gate was installed about 1980, right after the Pinecrest Fire. The trail was in continuous use since construction in the early 20th century, making this an RS2477 case.

8. Other Old Business

9. Other New Business

4th of July planning for trail safety and wildfire prevention. Early Chaney Trail Gate closure and temporary no parking in turnouts. Keith, the new Millard Campground host may be a resource for fire education of the public.  d

  1. Review of Task List for next meeting
  • Lori and Marietta to write a letter about Loma Alta Park.
  • Lori will update fire education brochures and signs out for 4th of July.
  • Design a sign to be used to educate the public on fire safety for 4th of July.

Carried over from last month:

  • Olga to ask Rudy Valenzuela, head of trails crew, when he is planning to come back to the ACT, to help coordinate repairs with this group.
  • Mitch will compile a report of trail conditions for Olga to pass on to the maintenance crew.
  • Olga was to supply a map of the Loma Alta Park.
  • Dennis will check with Graham about the Lincoln Ave Water Company permit requirement to remove the pipe from the Chaney Trail/Sunset Ridge connector portion of the ACT.
  • Rob will look for a copy of the sale agreement between Sameer Etman and AFC, including conditions of the sale requiring a trail easement be granted.
  • Olga to check with DPW about the Pinecrest gate and the road right-of-way.

11. Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, 2016 August 9 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center). Note there is no meeting in July.

12. Adjourned at: 8 pm.

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