December 13, 2016 – ACTRWG DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 DRAFT Minutes

Altadena Community Center

1. In attendance:  Robert Staehle, Lori Paul, Robert Ettleman (Los Angeles County), Steve Messer, Marietta Kruells, Aron Tschida (Boy Scouts).

2. Desired Adjournment Time:  8:15. Steve Messer will serve as secretary.

3. Review minutes: October 2016 minutes approved with a note to differentiate Robert E. and Robert S. when referenced in the minutes.

4. Los Angeles County:  Robert E. has composed a letter to property owner at 3636 Skylane drive stating County is aware of their encroachments, and they must be removed within 30 days. Letter will be sent next week. Robert E. knows about the Crib Trail. Rubio-ACT relocation project will move trail alignment off the roadway shoulder in Rubio canyon. Have easement from MRCA, working on easement from AFC; have an agreement with Rubio Water, and from four property owners. ACTRWG will approach Sameer to get clarification of the property sale agreement specifying that there will be easements. Furniture dumped at the end of Canon drive, has been picked up.

5. Serious New Trail conditions. Trees down on Sunset Ridge and Gabrielino were removed by volunteers. Encroachment at 3636 Skylane Drive; homeowner has been contacted by LA County.

6. Current Tasks.   Objectives for 2017 were prioritised by the group as follows:

High priority, expensive/complicated projects:

  • Construct La Vina Trails
  • Construct Rubio Canyon Gateway trails
  • Re-Grading to new County standards on vulnerable trail segments

High priority, inexpensive/easier projects:

  • Restore Crib Trail Segment N. of Gymnasium
  • Restore driveable-in-emergency fire road from Millard Campground to the top of Lincoln Ave.
  • Remove encroachment at 3636 Skylane Drive on Canon
  • Get 200’ fence removed from segment of ACT above Windfall Ave
  • Create well-marked and publicized trail hub/junction in Hahamongna Watershed Park. Possibility of doing it as an Eagle Scout project.

Lower Priority and ongoing projects:

  • Acquire Easement to close Skylane Gap from Penny’s barn to Fair Oaks Ave (through Zorthian property)
  • Restore driveable-in-emergency Brown Mountain fire road from top of Lincoln to Arroyo Seco ranger residence
  • Remove “dropped” (abandoned) pipe on Chaney Trail, from Coulter reservoir to Chaney Trail. Does not have a County easement, unknown if it is a FS trail.
  • Dying Coulter Pines at the Loma Alta staging area.
  • Sign trails for “no hunting”
  • Open Pinecrest gate to the public 24/7
  • Restore water amenities and trough at West Coulter Reservoir


7. Other Old Business:  Los Angeles Conservation Corps has completed another short section of the Gabrielino trail above Oakwilde. Work to resume next year.

8. New Business: Prioritisation of ACT-related tasks and projects

9. Task List:  Lori will call Graham about LAWC pipeline. Robert E. to look for Skylane gap easement in Sapphos report. Marietta will connect Aron and Rosa to discuss Hahamonga Hub. Suggest attending Hahamonga Watershed Park Advisory Council meeting.

Upcoming Events: Next ACTRWG meeting will be Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at the Altadena Community Center. Festival of Lights Hike from Cobb Estate on Sunday, Dec 18 (subsequently cancelled).

Meeting adjourned at: 8:12 p.m.

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