Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee
…from Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon
Tuesday 2016 April 12 (Yuri Gagarin Day) v DRAFT Agenda
7:00 PM meeting at Altadena Community Center (730 E Altadena Dr.)
- Introductions for new attendees.
- Desired adjournment time for this meeting
- Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items.
- Review Minutes and Action Items from March meeting (thank you Steve Messer!).
- County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda. Sussy Nemer / Field Deputy for LA County Supervisor Antonovich; Ken Slu / Senior Manager LA County Chief Executive Office; Olga Ruano / Park Planner, Special Trails Projects, County Parks & Recreation; Pasadena / TBD; Dennis Merkel / USFS Recreation Staff Officer
- Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention (firsthand reports strongly preferred; photos much appreciated)?
- Current Tasks
- Tentative plan for expanded child care facility along ACT, 3636 Skylane Drive. Lori Paul
- Re-grading to new County standards for erosion control on vulnerable ACT segments. Thank you Pasadena for west end of ACT into Hahamongna! Robert Staehle / ACTRWG, Olga Ruano / LA County
- Millard Canyon: Graffiti removal; restore natural rocks after tagging painted out by County crew? Status of new campground caretaker? John Grancich, Dennis Merkel.
- Any update re: New fence erected along ~200-foot segment of ACT above Windfall Ave (E. of Rubio Gap and Stonehill). Fence blocks obstructs drainage culverts and the view to south from the trail. Policy changes to prevent future fence / wall obstructions? Olga Ruano / LA County, Dennis Merkel / USFS
- DPW Devil’s Gate Reservoir (Hahamongna Watershed Park) / ACT Trailhead / Recreation impacts? Arroyo Seco Foundation Litigation? JPL / NASA Security Gates Project? Marietta Kruells or Lori Paul
- La Vina litigation resolved: update & resumption of trail planning. Marietta Kruells, Olga Ruano / LA County
- Rubio Cyn Gateway trail planning status / discussion with AFC. Olga Ruano / LA County
- Update on locked Pinecrest Gate. Mitch Marich or Paul A
- Other Old Business
- Other New Business
- Review of Task List for next meeting
- Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, 2016 May 10 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center)
- Adjourn