Getting our ACT (Altadena Crest Trail) Together: Restoring historic Altadena Trails for the enjoyment of all! (Article from 2024 April Altadena Neighbors magazine)

The following was prepared in response to an invitation from Deb Halberstadt, representing Altadena Neighbors magazine, to the Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) to prepare an article about the extent and history of trails in Altadena.  

The publisher’s representative asked us to please excuse the small type and the duplicated first paragraph, on account of a new layout person under time pressure for the April issue.  The magazine does not appear to be available in web form, though some material is referenced to Instagram.  More information is likely available at

Crib Trail easement north of Loma Alta Park granted by La Vina Homeowners Association

Thank you La Vina HOA for providing a legal easement to Los Angeles County for perpetual public use of the long-used segment of the Altadena Crest Trail (ACT) immediately north of Loma Alta Park east of Lincoln Avenue.

The easement is specifically for “public hiking, biking and equestrian trail purposes…”

ACTRWG Letter to Supv. Kathryn Barger Regarding proposed purchase of Nuccio’s Nursery

Summary of possible and likely negative trail-related impacts of proposed Polytechnic School purchase of Nuccio Nursery property, and requesting the County’s assistance in seeking a viable conservation-oriented purchase and use arrangement with less impact on the Altadena Crest Trail and its users. Sign the Altadena Wild petition opposing the school purchase here.

Assemblymember Chris Holden thank you letter from ACTRWG


Reply to:

2022 December 13

Chris Holden, California State Assembly

Dear Assemblymember Holden,

            First, congratulations on your re-election!

            Thank you very much for working hard to secure $1.5 million for restoration of the Altadena Crest Trail (ACT), specifically for development and completion of both the east and west trails that replace the section that was lost when the La Vina subdivision was constructed over two decades ago in the northwest wildlands of Altadena. Your success will enable closure of a major gap in connectivity, working toward full reconnection of the historic Altadena Crest Trail, which in the 1970s provided a continuous ~13-mile equestrian and hiking path from the Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon.

            The Altadena Crest Trail is used every day by many residents of Altadena, Pasadena, La Canada, and other nearby communities.  For many of us, it is integral to sustaining our health and well-being.  I personally used the westernmost segment of the ACT several days a week to bike to and from my work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).  Many of my colleagues do the same, either on foot, or by mountain bike.

            Many others use the trail even more often than I do, enjoying birds and other wildlife; wildflowers; the fragrance of chaparral, coastal sages, and oak woodland after a rain; observing stars and the Moon under relatively dark skies; and just the ability to be outdoors, away from the urban bustle, noise, and lights, without going far from home.  Many trail users enjoy the constantly changing, expansive view over the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles, ships off the coast — all the way to Blackjack Mountain on Catalina Island; and Mt. San Jacinto near Palm Springs.  Both are visible now most days of the year.  All these attributes will expand with the addition of the new trail segments, going farther up in elevation as they do, along the alignments being developed and built by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA), with help from Outward Bound Adventures and local youth.

            We applaud the MRCA people who are engaging our community, including our group.  Our Altadena Crest Trails Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) was established in 2003 by a County Board of Supervisors motion.  Our group is open to anyone who cares to participate, from any locale.  We continue to advise the County and others on matters concerning Altadena trails.

            The ACT is highly valued in our community, especially for its separation from housing, with many convenient access points along its length.  As result of this separation, the ACT passes through miles of our coastal sage scrub / chapparal / oak woodland ecosystem, which is extremely rare on our planet and that harbors a unique assemblage of plant and animal species, including some that are endangered or threatened.  There are few locales near a large urban concentration where people can so conveniently and freely immerse themselves in such a pastoral outdoor experience.

            On behalf of all ACTRWG participants and users of our trails,

thank you for supporting this valuable community resource,

[original signed by]

Robert Staehle


Trail looking ahead with oak tree on left and slope on the right.
Altadena Crest Trail immediately west of Chaney Trail, the paved road. (Photo by Lori Paul 2011 April 25)

Pinecrest Gate Open!

Trail users have great cause to celebrate! After years of ongoing effort by the ACTRWG and others, following recent intervention by new L. A. County Parks & Rec staff, public access has finally been restored to the Pinecrest Trailhead! 
For many years a razor-wire fortified, neighbor-controlled metal Gate has locked in / out numerous hikers, dog walkers, backpackers, bicyclists and horse riders. This hazardous situation was finally remedied by the County a few days ago when the metal pedestrian gate was removed! See attached photo. Access will remain closed to unauthorized motorized vehicles on the fire road beyond the Pinecrest Gate. Hopefully, the remaining visual blight caused by unnecessary penitentiary-style fortifications, including dangerous razor wire and welded metal paneling, will also be removed soon. Thank you to all those who have worked so long to get the Pinecrest Gate reopened, particularly ACTRWG “regulars” Mitch M., Kevin S., Steve M., Marietta K., and Lori P, and the County Parks and Recreation staff. 
Enjoy the scenic vistas and trails beyond the Pinecrest Trailhead! With return of public access, trail users are encouraged to respect neighborhood peace and quiet when entering or leaving at Pinecrest and to only park in legal parking spaces that do not block adjacent driveways. Please report any hazardous or inappropriate activity to the Altadena Sheriffs, as you would for any location along roads and trails in Altadena.

July 2017 Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee…from Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon
DRAFT Minutes

Tuesday 2017 July 11 7:04 PM meeting at Altadena Community Center (730 E Altadena Dr.)

0.   Introductions for new attendees: Steve Messer, Rob Staehle, Lori Paul, Marietta Kruells, Zachary Likins (LA County), Kevin Singleton, Michelle O’Connor, Mitch Marich, Dorothy Wong.

1.   Desired adjournment time for this meeting?  8:15  pm

2.   Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items. Steve Messer

3. Review Minutes and Action Items from June meeting. Not ready for review. Held until next month.

4. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda. No new items announced.

5. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention (firsthand reports strongly preferred; photos much appreciated)?  Nothing reported.

6. Current Tasks

A. Responses to letter regarding recommended trail restoration, corrections & improvements (action from prior meeting and field visit).

a. Resuming progress in restoring the historic Altadena Crest Trail.

b. Correcting new trail signage. County is looking at correcting the monument sign for Loma Alta to include the word Trailhead as it was historically.

c. Restoring trail segments on the County’s ACT map and trail website; including the crib trail north of the gymnasium. Zach GPSd the alignment recently and found the existing trail encroaches on La Vina homeowners assn property. County needs to pursue an easement to consider the trail official. Also need to coordinate with County legal department on current state of lawsuits.

d. Ongoing closure of the Pinecrest Gate. Zach reports that his Department is going to recommend to Pasadena Water and Power the removal of Pinecrest gate and reestablishment of uninhibited access for pedestrians, bicycles and horses. This group wants to ensure anything built there will be suitable for horses to pass through. This group prefers removal of the gate, to prevent any restriction of access by nonmotorized trail users.

e. Lincoln Avenue Roadside route from Loma Alta Park South to Altadena drive and from there to Hahamongna Watershed Park; Enhance safety for trail users as well as Aveson Charter Schoolchildren on their daily group walks to and from Loma Alta Park adjacent to traffic on Lincoln. DPW Roads Division was consulted about Lincoln Ave bridge. Possible alternatives include: Wayfinding signs, combining sidewalk and trail. No easy way to provide a trail along the shoulder; not enough room for both recreation easement and road right of way. DPW is considering sidewalk access on east side. This group would like to see a DG path on the east side, suitable for horses and people. There is an empty lot and a drainage that may provide an opportunity for a new trail to get kids and horses off the road, ending behind Aveson school.

f. Proposed Shady Lane connection to the ACT along Loma Alta under existing trees to improve safety for trail and park users, including crosswalk improvements at Sunset Ridge Road. Field visit a few weeks ago. Department agrees with recommendations to make this trail official. Met with flood control district, and they are receptive to having the trail. Development division is doing a conceptual plan. Concept plan will be brought to this group before implementation. Concept plan is a month away, possibly next meeting. Will need to amend Parks Dept. use agreement with Flood Control to expand Loma Alta trailhead staging area to include Shady Lane trail. Funding has not been identified.

B. Restore full equestrian use and amenities to Loma Alta Equestrian Park, Trailhead and Staging Area.

a. Remove signs excluding horses from south side of the Equestrian park where the bathroom and drinking fountains are located. Discuss re-opening of small restroom at Trailhead & Staging Area on north side of Loma Alta.

b. Replace dead trees in the Loma Alta Park Trailhead & Staging Area, including the recently killed White Alder (only trunk stum remains). Require adequate care for new and existing shade trees.

c. Move concrete picnic tables out of direct sun to shade under trees or provide shade armadas over the tables. Tables are no longer shaded and are hazardously hot during the day. Need a site visit at the right time of day (noon).

7. Other Old Business

1) Hahamongna. City of Pasadena maps showed County-owned easements in Hahamongna, but County does not have all easement records, and not all easements are on assessor’s maps. Zach spoke to Lauren Pluth, City of Pasadena. He has no issue with County trails in the park. The county would like to make a formal agreement with the City. Will figure out what type of agreement is needed to ensure the future of the County trails in Hahamongna in perpetuity. Potential for a trail junction hub was brought up, but Pasadena has little interest in the project, despite Rosa Laveaga’s initial enthusiasm. This group needs to decide where such a junction would go and advocate for it.

8. Other New Business

1) Camera that was at intersection of Rubio and Camp Huntington trail is no longer there.

9. Review of Task List for next meeting

1) Steve to get MWBA USFS MOU copy for County.

2) Lori to send County Biologist contact info to Zach.3) Lori and Marietta will meet with Lauren, Rosa and Zach to discuss Hahamongna Trail Hub.

4) Organize site visit to determine where to move two picnic tables in Loma Alta Park.

5) Zach to send Marietta parcel number and/or easement description for La Vina

10. Upcoming Events:  The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, 2017 August 8 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center).

11. Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

August 2017 Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

…from Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon

Tuesday, August 8, 2017 v DRAFT Minutes

7:04 PM meeting at Altadena Community Center (730 E Altadena Dr.)

  1. Introductions for new attendees: Steve Messer, Rob Staahle, Lori Paul, Marietta Kruells, Zachary Likins (LA County), Kevin Singleton, Kathy Martin, Michell Zack, Linda World, Dennis Merkel (USFS), Dorothy Wong
  2. Desired adjournment time for this meeting?  8:15  pm
  3. Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items. Steve Messer
  4. Review Minutes and Action Items from July meeting. Approved with corrections including spelling of Staehle, and Lauren Pluth.
  5. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda. No new items announced.
  6. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention (firsthand reports strongly preferred; photos much appreciated)? Homeless encampments at Millard and Gould Mesa, homeless are disturbing and threatening trail users. FS has a plan to deal with the problems (to be implemented).
  7. Current Tasks
  8. Responses to letter regarding recommended trail restoration, corrections & improvements (action from prior meeting and field visit).
    1. Lincoln Avenue Roadside route from Loma Alta Park South to Altadena drive and from there to Hahamongna Watershed Park; Enhance safety for trail users as well as Aveson Charter Schoolchildren on their daily group walks to and from Loma Alta Park adjacent to traffic on Lincoln. Zack talked to DPW, the easiest way to deal with it is to partner with DPW. DPW Doing feasibility study to place a sidewalk on the eastern side of Lincoln. Funding has not been identified. La Vina developer is asking for a zoning change, a possible source for mitigation funds to apply to this project.
  1. Proposed Shady Lane connection to the ACT along Loma Alta under existing trees to improve safety for trail and park users, including crosswalk improvements at Sunset Ridge Road. Concept plan for Shady Lane trail was presented by Zack, developed in-house by County. Need to consider watering of trees in our comments, location of crosswalk, stop signs, tree removal.

B.       Restore full equestrian use and amenities to Loma Alta Equestrian Park, Trailhead and Staging Area.

a.       Remove signs excluding horses from south side of the Equestrian park where the bathroom and drinking fountains are located. Discuss re-opening of small restroom at Trailhead & Staging Area on north side of Loma Alta. Park Superintendent at Loma Alta put up signs so equestrians would be directed to Loma Alta, but this inhibits access to the bathrooms by equestrians and bicycles.

b.       Replace dead trees in the Loma Alta Park Trailhead & Staging Area, including the recently killed White Alder (only trunk stump remains). Require adequate care for new and existing shade trees. To be discussed on 9/5 site visit along with picnic tables.

c.        Move concrete picnic tables out of direct sun to shade under trees or provide shade armadas over the tables. To be discussed on 9/5 site visit along with picnic tables.

  1. Other Old Business
    • Pinecrest Gate. Gate was removed last Thursday, and some of the chainlink and razorwire has been removed today. Gate was on County property, not on Pasadena property. Two Pasadena Water supervisors Norman Lara and Vince Zamavoa were there to take down the gate. Kevin cleaned up debris, while a second crew arrived to continue removing material. If any problems, need to report them. County needs to get a written statement from Chris Klippert relinquishing control of the gate.
  1. Other New Business
    • This group needs to become engaged in the One Arroyo planning process.
  1. Review of Task List for next meeting
  • Organize site visit to determine where to move two picnic tables in Loma Alta Park. Site visit tentatively scheduled for 9/5/2017 at noon.
  • Zack to determine if parking restrictions on Pinecrest are county-approved.
  • Dennis to send a letter to County Parks supporting removal of Pinecrest Gate.
  • Kevin to email Mitch to ask him to preserve list of people trapped by Pinecrest gate.
  • Kevin to write a thank you letter to Phyllis Currie formerly of Pasadena Water & Power
  • Select a date to celebrate Pinecrest opening at the trailhead
  • Compile and submit comments on the proposed Shady Lane trail by August 22nd.
  • Zack to email a digital copy of the Shady Lane design proposal
  1. Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center).
  2. Adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

May 2017 Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

…from Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon

Tuesday 2017 May 9 v DRAFT Minutes

7:00 PM meeting at Altadena Community Center (730 E Altadena Dr.)

Introductions for new attendees. Steve Messer, Rob Staahle, Lori Paul, Marietta Kruells, Jeremiah Small, Rudy Valenzuela (LA County), Zachary Likins (LA County), Kevin Singleton.

  1. Desired adjournment time for this meeting?  8 pm
  2. Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items. Steve Messer
  3. Review Minutes and Action Items from March meeting. Approved unanimously.
  4. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda. County is rolling out a new trail sign program county-wide, starting in the fifth district. Will be reaching out to communities impacted by trail signs going forward. Rudy graded ACT from Chaney Trail to Loma Alta in March. He is trying to prioritize maintenance on trails in close proximity to residential areas.
  5. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention (firsthand reports strongly preferred; photos much appreciated)?
    • Between Eaton Canyon and Zane Gray there are some large washouts, scree, slides, and erosion, as well as invasive mustard encroaching on the trail. (reported by Jeremiah). Zach and Mitch hiked that section two weeks ago to assess maintenance needs. Nancy reported issues from Alzada road to Chaney Trail. LAWC pipeline trail remains a safety issue.
  6. Current Tasks

A. Letter regarding Crib Trail (action from prior meeting). Motion made and approved to send Lori’s draft letter. Explained the Crib trail situation to Zach. We’d like to see the historic Kiwani’s water trough restored, and other water amenities along the trail.

B. New (and inaccurate) signage posted by County.  Letter in 6A covers inaccurate signage.

C. eBikes: do we have concerns and/or a recommendation to County?  Steve Messer  

  • Letter written to John Wicker, Norma Garcia, Hayden Sohm, and Michelle O’connor
  • Motion made to write a letter on behalf of ACTRWG

D.     Pinecrest Gate. Kevin gave a report on issues of the Pinecrest gate to Zach.  Pinecrest fire in 1979 burned the foothills of Altadena. Gate was installed to keep partiers out, rather than enforcement. Kevin reports that the gate is on County property, not on Pasadena property. Zach will research the status of the gate from the County perspective.

E.     Shady Lane Trail. Explained to Zach the need for a new trail along the SPS on Loma Alta, for safety and for a better pedestrian or equestrian experience.

  1. Other Old Business
  2. Other New Business
  3. Cobb Estate Rumors:  Is the USFS attempting to divest its interest in Cobb Estate? If so, what’s the plan?
  4. Develop agenda for meeting with Sussy Nemer
  5. Review of Task List for next meeting
  • Lori to find Graeme Breakwell’s contact info, LAWC pipe permit for chaney trail, and forward to Zach.
  • Set up a meeting with Sussy Nemer/Zach Likens to cover Crib Trail, trail map inconsistencies and omissions, proposed shady trail.
  • Steve will write a letter regarding e-mtbs to County BOS regarding e-mtbs.
  • Zach to research the status of the gate, and what information we could supply to support removal of the gate.
  • Zach to ask Robert Ettleman for an update on Rubio gap easements for next meeting.
  1. Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, 2017 June 12 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center).


  1. Adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

April 2017 Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee
…from Arroyo Seco to Eaton Canyon
Tuesday 2017 April 11 – DRAFT Minutes
7:00 PM meeting at Altadena Community Center (730 E Altadena Dr.)

0. Attendees: Steve Messer, Rob Staahle, Kevin Singleton, Lori Paul

1. Desired adjournment time for this meeting? 8 pm

2. Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items. Steve Messer

3. Review Minutes and Action Items from March meeting (thank you Steve Messer!). Approved unanimously.

4. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda. No report. There is talk of the Forest Service divesting itself of Cobb Estate, and negotiations are apparently underway with the County and other potential partners.

5. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention (firsthand reports strongly preferred; photos much appreciated)?

1) Mitch Marich: Canon to Cobb Estate trail conditions report submitted in March; no response from Zachary Likins/LA Co. Park & Rec.

2) Mitch Marich notes there are many slides and some cross trail ruts on segment from Eaton Canyon to Zane Grey but have not had time to write a formal report.

3) Chaney Trail to end has been graded.

6. Current Tasks
A. Letter regarding Crib Trail (action from prior meeting). Draft letter was reviewed. Recommendation to submit letter and follow up with a meeting.

B. New (and inaccurate) signage posted by County. Letter in 6A covers inaccurate signage.

C. eBikes: do we have concerns and/or a recommendation to County? Steve Messer
Increased use of e-mountain bikes on local trails (USFS and County). The USFS considers all e-bike classes to be “motorized;” therefore, e-mountain bikes are permitted only on motorized OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) trails on Federal land, not on multi-use nonmotorized trails. See USFS determination letter. We need to request clarification for County trails. California AB1146 made e-bikes legal for use on roads, and also on trails if the land manager has not taken action to prohibit them.

D. Major Objectives for 2017
i. Construct La Vina Trails.
ii. Construct Rubio Canyon Gateway trails.
iii. Re-Grading to new County standards on vulnerable trail segments
iv. Restore Crib Trail Segment N. of Gymnasium (see 6.A. above) – Trailhead has been placed in the wrong place, draft letter written to County outlining the problems with the trail and associated signage; draft letter approved.
v. Restore driveable-in-emergency fire road from Millard Campground to the top of Lincoln Ave.
vi. Remove encroachment at 3636 Skylane Drive on Canon. Update: the trail is being blocked by sweepings from the property owner’s stable.
vii. Get 200’ fence in compliance from segment of ACT above Windfall Ave. No update.
viii. Create well-marked and publicized trail hub/junction in Hahamongna Watershed Park.

E. Ongoing Projects:
i. Acquire Easement to close Skylane Gap from Penny’s barn to Fair Oaks Ave (through Zorthian property)
ii. Restore driveable-in-emergency Brown Mountain fire road from top of Lincoln to Arroyo Seco ranger residence
iii. Remove “dropped” (abandoned) pipe on Chaney Trail, from Coulter reservoir to Chaney Trail. Does
not have a County easement, unknown if it is a FS trail: LAWC Board meeting coming up. Suggestion to attend the board meeting.
iv. Replace dying Coulter Pines at the Loma Alta staging area. Proposed “shady lane” connection for the ACT along Loma Alta under existing trees to improve safety for trail and park users.
v. Sign trails for “no hunting”
vi. Open Pinecrest gate to the public 24/7
vii. Restore water amenities and trough at West Coulter Reservoir

7. Other Old Business

8. Other New Business

i. Cobb Estate Rumors: Is the USFS attempting to divest its interest in Cobb Estate? If so, what’s the plan?
ii. Develop agenda for meeting with Sussy Nemer

9. Review of Task List for next meeting
1) Set up a meeting with Sussy Nemer/Zach Likens to cover Crib Trail, trail map inconsistencies and omissions, proposed shady trail.
2) Enquire about County policies on E-bikes. (Steve)

10. Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, 2017 May 9 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center).
11. Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.