Category Archives: Minutes

November 2015 Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

7:00 P.M. at Altadena Community Center (730 E. Altadena Drive)

0. Attendees: Robert Staehle, Steve Messer (CORBA), Lori Paul, Mitch Marich (Mount Wilson Bicycling Association), Marietta Kruells.

1. Desired adjournment time for this meeting?  8:00 p.m.

2. Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items.  Steve Messer agreed to act as Secretary.

3. Review Minutes and Action Items from last meeting.  Minutes were unanimously approved.

4. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda: No officials were present, and no reports were available.

5. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention:   CORBA and MWBA have begun restoration work on Ken Burton the previous weekend. Approximately 1/2 mile has been cleared in two days of work. Trail is grown over, but mostly intact tread.

Lincoln Avenue Water Company is working on replacing their pipes along the Sunset Ridge trail, but no indications of removal of the decommissioned pipe along the ACT from the reservoir down to Chaney Trail. They are required by their permit to remove decommissioned pipe. Motion was made to write a letter to the USFS to request that they enforce the conditions of the LAWC permit, and remove pipe from the Chaney Trail connector, between South Coulter reservoir and Chaney Trail road. Motion passed unanimously.

Murietta has been to a Lincoln Ave water company meeting. There are new wells being drilled at Raymond Basin, apparently without appropriate water rights. For historical reference, the road now called Chaney Trail was once called Sunset Ridge Road, and the connector trail was also called Sunset Ridge Trail. It was named after Doctor Chaney who ran a TB sanitarium.

AFC missed an opportunity to acquire a tax-default property in Canyon Crest. It was purchased by a private citizen for pennies on the dollar, and they now want to remove oaks to build.

6. Current Tasks

A. Re-grading to new County standards for erosion control on vulnerable ACT segments before predicted major El Nino winter: Mitch reported that approximately 1/2 mile of the east end of the ACT was graded, including some work to remove berms left by machine-grading. Culverts were not fixed.

B. Emergency acquisition of bear-proof food boxes for 5 sites in Millard Cyn Campground.  A single bear-proof box has been installed at Millard campground, paid for by donations from local residents. Additional boxes are planned for purchase and will be installed as funds allow.

C. Fence erected along ~200-foot segment of ACT above Windfall Ave (E of Rubio Gap and Stonehill? No updates were available.

D. DPW Devil’s Gate Reservoir (Hahamamongna Watershed Park) / ACT Trailhead / Recreation impacts?  No new information.

E. Status of proposed 18 New Homes (so-called “La Vina II”) on school site, though developer has failed to build the required public trail:   No new reports. Debate about whether this is relevant to trails, even though we all agree that it should not go forward.

F. La Vina litigation resolved: update & resumption of trail planning.  Marietta is disillusioned about whether the promised trail will be completed.

G. Rubio Cyn Gateway trail planning status / discussion with AFC: A proposedtrail alignment through the AFC property has been flagged and a geotechnical survey is underway to determine the feasibility and engineering requirements for a trail.

H. Update on locked Pinecrest Gate.  Mitch still checks on the gate, with no change in the status. Mitch continues to collect emails of those who are trapped. Gate is being closed earlier with the time change.

7. Other Old Business. Steve Messer has been given control of the domain name, and it now points to an web site built on wordpress. A new email address has been created, which is set to forward to Steve and to Lori Paul/Rob Staehle. The web site is now live.

8. Other New Business. Steve Messer has been given a draft PDF copy of the revised Los Angeles County trails manual for review and comment.

9. Review of Task List for next meeting:  Marietta will email Graham Breakwell (special use permit officer for the USFS) to ask that the FS enforce the conditions of the Lincoln Ave Water Company, and have them remove the decommissioned pipe from South Coulter reservoir to Chaney trail road, and to find out if they are also required to restore the trail to its original condition.

Mitch will forward photos to Olga Ruano showing the work on ACT. Accuracy of ACT information on County Trails web site needs to be determined.

10. Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center).

11. Adjourn at 7:55pm

October 2015 Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

7:00 P.M. at Altadena Community Center (730 E. Altadena Drive)

0. Attendees: John Grancich, Millard Canyon Resident, John Lynch, Robert Staehle, Steve Messer (CORBA), Dennsi Merkel (USFS), Mike Parkinson (Boy Scouts Troop 342), Mitch Marich (Mount Wilson Bicycling Association), Marietta Kruells.

1. Desired adjournment time for this meeting?  8:00 p.m.

2. Decision on meeting Secretary & Recorder of Action Items.  Steve Messer agreed to act as Secretary.

3. Review Minutes and Action Items from last meeting.  Minutes were unanimously accepted with a spelling correction to “Lisa Laveagna” from the City of Pasadena.

4. County / City / U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered later on agenda: Dennis Merkel stated that there is a new District Ranger in office, Bob Blount, and that his district now includes all of the Angeles National Forest that lies outside the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. Millard Campground has a camp host expected to arrive and begin in November. The Millard Falls trail closure was lifted and the trail is now officially open.

5. Any serious new trail conditions or problems requiring immediate attention:  Steve Messer reported that he and Mitch had used chainsaws to clear two tress of Sunset Ridge Trail, several from the Gabrielino trail, and the Grizzly Flat fire road and trail. John Grancich reported that the Millard Falls trail is important to be open, because people using the trail is a deterrent to “objectionable types” using the closed trail. He feels the trail and nearby cabins are safer with more people using the trail. He would like to see the area enhanced and improved for campers and trail users. Kevin Hunt (USFS Recreation) has been monitoring the area. Seneca Smith has been doing a fire patrol in the area. There is a homeless gentleman, Jim Nyquist, who has an encampment on the east side of the hairpin on Canyon Crest, and is illegally lighting fires for cooking.

6. Current Tasks

A. Re-grading to new County standards for erosion control on vulnerable ACT segments before predicted major El Nino winter:  Mitch reports that the County has done some maintenance, but mostly done unsustainably, leaving a berm and poor drainage on the trail. No repairs were done to drainage or culverts.

B. Emergency acquisition of bear-proof food boxes for 5 sites in Millard Cyn Campground. Lori Paul, John Grancich, Dennis Merkel. Recent “bear encounters” due to unsecure food puts campers, trail users, and bears at risk. Local Millard Canyon cabin owners have purchased a bear box to be installed at the campground. The FS has ordered a new sign instructing people to use the bear box. Mike Parkinson’s boy scout troop is interested in doing eagle scout projects to enhance the campground, perhaps including more bear boxes, interpretive signs, etc.  There is a trail sign-in box at the top of Lower Sunset Ridge trail that could possibly be moved to the campground.

C. Fence erected along ~200-foot segment of ACT above Windfall Ave (E of Rubio Gap and Stonehill? No updates were available

D. DPW Devil’s Gate Reservoir (Hahamamongna Watershed Park) / ACT Trailhead / Recreation impacts?  Marietta reported that the County did their emergency sediment removal from in front of the dam, but the “big dig” is still scheduled for 2016.

E. Status of proposed 18 New Homes (so-called “La Vina II”) on school site, though developer has failed to build the required public trail:   No new reports.

F. La Vina litigation resolved: update & resumption of trail planning.  Bob Musselman sent an email incorrectly asserting that only Marietta has the ability to move the trail projects forward. Marietta reported that it is still tied up in legal dealings between the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the County.

G. Rubio Cyn Gateway trail planning status / discussion with AFC: County reportedly had a meeting with the AFC, and County surveyors have been seen on the property.  Other than that, no new information.

H. Update on locked Pinecrest Gate.  No changes, people continue to get trapped and call 911 to have sherrifs let them out. Suggestion was made to invite the sherrif’s department to take a stand on the gate.

7. Other Old Business. Steve Messer has created a temporary web site for the group, available for preview at He will coordinate with Bev Huntsberger to transfer to the site.

8. Other New Business. Marietta showed the group the USFS/DOT Equestrian Trails Manual, wondering why the County was “reinventing the wheel” and spending so much on a trails manual when so many resources already exist.

9. Review of Task List for next meeting:  Steve will contact Bev Huntsberger about domain; John Grancich to draft a letter of thanks to Seneca Smith;

10. Upcoming Events: The next ACTRWG meeting falls on Tuesday, 2015 November 10 (2nd Tuesday of each month, unless cancellation is announced, 7pm at the Altadena Community Center).

11. Adjourn at 8:10pm

September 2015 Meeting Minutes

Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) Steering Committee

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes

7:00 p.m. at Altadena Community Center (720 E. Altadena Drive)

0. Attendees: Mirch Marich, Olga Ruano (LA County), Paul Ayers, Lori Paul, Rob Staehle, Steve Messer, Marietta Kruells

1. Desired adjournment time for the meeting?  8:15 p.m. 

2. Decision on Meeting Secretary and Recorder of Minutes.  Steve Messer volunteered to record the minutes

3. Review minutes and action items from the last meeting. Last month’s minutes were unanimously approved, with a correction to the spelling of “Larry Hensley” & a close parenthesis.

4. County/City/U.S. Government Announcements of any items not covered on the agenda. County is busy with projects.  Mike Antonivich Ride will be at Cherry Canyon on Oct 18. Erosion on ACT downstream of Canyon Blvd, County maintenance crew is bringing in temporary sandbags, DG and stabilizer to be completed next week. County trails manual is being updated.

5. Any serious new trail conditions or problems that need reporting? Mitch sent a PDF of trail conditions, and will forward it to Olga. Steve has been doing chainsaw work on Gabrielino and other trails. Reports of trail conditions can go to, or 877-601-4850 (DPR Call Center).

6. Current Tasks

A. Re-Grading to new County standards for erosion control on vulnerable ACT segments before predicted El Nino Winter. Group requested County prioritize preventive maintenance including drainage on trails in steeper terrain, especially with El Nino in the forecast. Can County use a contractor for critical preventive maintenance?

B. Emergency Acquisition of bear-proof boxes for five sites in Millard Canyon. Millard Campground is in desperate need of bear-proof food storage containers, also at Gould Mesa. Group will pass on this request to the FS.

C. Update on the new fence erected along the ACT above Windfall Ave (E. of Rubio Gap and Stonehill.): No new reports. Could a “public nuisance” suit be brought against property owner?

D. DWP Devil’s Gate Reservoir Arroyo Seco Foundation Litigation. Have not heard from Rosa Laveagna. County DPW is going to clean out in front of the dam. La Canada person also needs to be appointed.

E. Status of proposed 18 new homes in La Vina II on the school site. No new reports.

F. La Vina Litigation resolved: Update on trail planning. No new reports. Scott Kuhn needs to be contacted.

G. Rubio Canyon Gateway Trail Planning Status: No real news. Robert Ettleman is working with local property owners to secure easements.

H. Pinecrest Gate update. No new information. Monitoring continues. Steve included comments about Pinecrest Gate in official comments to San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. Mitch recounted the situation surrounding the gate.

7. Other Old Business. None

8. Other New Business. Steve will put together a web site for for the group.

9. Review of Task List. Mitch will forward trail report to Olga. Olga will get the trail maintenance crew contacts and schedule. Marietta to find a La Canada contact to work with. Group will remind Dennis about fence and bear-proof boxes.

10. Upcoming Events: Next ACTRWG Meeting falls on Tuesday, October 13, 2015.

11. Adjourn at 8:20pm.